Maths Tutors, English Tutors Maths Tutors, English Tutors


Helen G ianopoulos.

Tutor Type Expert Tutor
Teaching Experience 3 years
Travel radius 15 km from Seddon
Tuition Fee
$60.00/hour (Prep to Year 10)
$68.00/hour (VCE)
24 hour cancellation notice required

Book Helen

Subjects I can Tutor

Primary English P-6
Secondary English 7-10
VCE English Units 1&2
VCE English Units 3&4
General English
Secondary Humanities 7-10

About Me

Teaching Experience
tutored for more than 3 years
Qualified Secondary School Teacher, Experienced tutor

– English/Greek Secondary School Teacher at Strathmore Secondary College (Years 8, 9 and 11): Jan 2016 to current
– Assist students in developing the linguistic skills and knowledge required within the English and Languages domain of the Victorian Curriculum F-10 (i.e. Language, Literature and Literacy; Intercultural knowledge and language awareness)
– Utilise a variety of texts and teaching strategies (i.e. film, novels, dialogic discussions, individual/group work, etc.) in order to effectively cater to each student’s needs
– Liaise with the principal and parents about students’ progress (online progression reports, emails, etc.)

– Greek LOTE Teacher at Platon Teaching Schools (Year 3/4): Feb 2015 – December 2016
– Assisted students in developing the linguistic skills and knowledge required within the Languages domain of the AusVELS Curriculum (i.e. Communicating in another language other than English; Intercultural knowledge and language awareness)
– Utilised a variety of texts and teaching strategies (i.e. film, novels, dialogic discussions, individual/group work, etc.) in order to effectively cater to each student’s needs
– Liaised with the principal and parents about students’ progress (including Parent Teacher Interviews)
– All students greatly improved their reading and writing skills (45% achieved an A, the rest were B)

– English Tutor (Grade 6, Year 8, Year 10 and Year 12) for Private Tutoring in Reservoir: Jan 2011 – Jan 2013
– Assisted 4 students in developing the linguistic skills and knowledge required within the English domain of the AusVELS Curriculum (i.e. Reading and Viewing, Writing, and Speaking and Listening)
– Utilised a variety of texts and teaching strategies (i.e. novels, dialogic discussions, individual work, etc.) in order to effectively cater to each student’s needs
– Liaised with the parents on a weekly basis about students’ progress
– All students improved their writing skills, including the Year 12 student who received a B+ for his final English exam (he was a C student)

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Subject Selection

Location: Seddon, VIC

Helen will travel within 15 km of Seddon

High School ATAR Score 95.80
Master of Education – University of Melbourne
Master of Secondary Teaching (Majors: English/History) – University of Melbourne
Bachelor of Arts (Majors: English/History) – University of Melbourne

Saturday 11:00 AM     –     6:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM     –     4:00 PM