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1. Book a Tutor
It's easy to book a tutor
Simply Search through our extensive database of screened tutors to view their profile and teaching background.
Once you have found one or more preferred tutors, you can make a booking directly on their profile page.
2. Confirm Lesson
Time and location
It will take about 2 days for a tutor to respond or accept your booking request.
Once your booking request is accepted, we will give you a call to confirm the lesson time and location including payment information to lock in the lesson.
3. Attend Lesson
Improve yourself
You’ll have your first lesson with your tutor conveniently in your home or local library at the agreed time.
After the lesson is completed, your tutor will schedule in the next lesson. Hassle free automatic payments will be debited from your credit card. Prepaid internet bank payments are available too.