Maths Tutors, English Tutors Maths Tutors, English Tutors


Mansimran G rewal.

Tutor Type Advanced Tutor
Teaching Experience 1.5 years
Travel radius 20 km from Nunawading
Tuition Fee
$45.00/hour (Prep to Year 10)
$50.00/hour (VCE)
24 hour cancellation notice required

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Subjects I can Tutor

Secondary Maths 7-10
VCE Maths Methods Units 1&2
VCE Maths Methods Units 3&4
VCE General Maths Further Units 1&2
VCE Further Maths Units 3&4
General Maths
Secondary Science 7-10
VCE Physics Units 1&2
VCE Physics Units 3&4

About Me

I am a Civil Engineering student at RMIT University and have taken a year’s gap. I volunteer at the Sudanese Saturday School in Box Hill where I tutor children with their high school work. Last year, I spent nine months in Spain as an English Language Assistant in a small town, and I lived with a host family. I absolutely loved the experience and wish to do something similar before I graduate.

I play guitar and I love cricket. I play cricket at the East Box Hill Cricket Club and enjoy mountain biking too.

Teaching Experience
tutored for more than 1.5 years
Experienced tutor

Last year, I took a gap year and spent nine months in a small town in Spain as an English Language Assistant.

For the last six months, I have been volunteering at the Sudanese Saturday School in Box Hill. I have been tutoring kids with refugee backgrounds on Saturdays.

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Location: Nunawading, VIC

Mansimran will travel within 20 km of Nunawading

High School ATAR Score 90.57
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Infrastructure) (Honours) – RMIT University

Monday 9:00 AM     –     11:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM     –     5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM     –     11:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM     –     11:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM     –     11:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM     –     5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM     –     5:00 PM