Maths Tutors, English Tutors Maths Tutors, English Tutors


Lauren Bradshaw

Lauren B radshaw.

Tutor Type Advanced Tutor
Teaching Experience 2 years
Travel radius 15 km from Northcote
Tuition Fee
$45.00/hour (Prep to Year 10)
$50.00/hour (VCE)
24 hour cancellation notice required

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Subjects I can Tutor

Primary Maths P-6
Secondary Maths 7-10
VCE Maths Methods Units 1&2
VCE Maths Methods Units 3&4

About Me

Teaching Experience
tutored for more than 2 years
Experienced tutor

I had various students from Ashwood College who I tutored in VCE Maths Methods. I had one student who I had for the full two years and other students for shorter periods of time. My ongoing student showed great improvement in maths skills over the two years and my other students were also demonstrating improvements in their marks.

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Subject Selection

Location: Northcote, VIC

Lauren will travel within 15 km of Northcote

High School ATAR Score 90.30
Bachelor of Environments – University of Melbourne

Monday 5:30 PM     –     9:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM     –     9:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM     –     9:00 PM
Friday 5:30 PM     –     9:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM     –     9:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM     –     9:00 PM

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