Maths Tutors, English Tutors Maths Tutors, English Tutors


Raymond Chen

Raymond C hen.

Tutor Type Advanced Tutor
Teaching Experience 1 year
Travel radius 5 km from Ryde
Tuition Fee
$45.00/hour (Prep to Year 10)
$50.00/hour (VCE)
24 hour cancellation notice required

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Subjects I can Tutor

HSC Mathematics
HSC Mathematics Extension 1

About Me

The reason I enjoy being a tutor is due to the satisfaction gained from helping students to refine their understanding of mathematics as well as improving their overall work ethic to maximise their academic performance. I am patient and understanding, providing consistent support, e.g. extra help when there is difficulty in understanding course work or finishing homework on time. I am able to recognise the strengths and weaknesses of students, focusing on overcoming their weaknesses and complimenting them on their constructive progress. This ensures the students are always motivated, resilient and are determined to proceed through demanding coursework, especially the HSC Maths and Ext. 1 course.

Teaching Experience
tutored for more than 1 year
Experienced tutor

I have tutored a student for Preliminary and a HSC Mathematics. He was struggling with many areas of the course such as Trigonometric functions and Calculus. My challenge involved identifying the source of his weaknesses and researching strategies to overcome them. The source of his weaknesses was due to his his foundation topics (algebra), a pre-requisite for latter topics. I used strategies, covering introductory topics such as algebra with great detail whilst providing past papers and worksheets to consolidate his understanding and boost his confidence levels in tackling subsequent maths problems. After becoming proficient with the introductory topics, he was able to focus on further topics, allowing me to work on his setting out as well as giving hints along the way. His marks were in the 90s for his HSC Maths assessment tasks, a significant improvement from his previous work. attaining an overall mark of 96.

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Location: Ryde, NSW

Raymond will travel within 5 km of Ryde

High School ATAR Score 96.70
Bachelor/Master of Electrical Engineering with a Minor – University of New South Wales

Friday 6:00 PM     –     9:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM     –     11:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM     –     6:00 PM