Maths Tutors, English Tutors Maths Tutors, English Tutors


Lamisa H aque.

Tutor Type Advanced Tutor
Teaching Experience 1 year
Travel radius 20 km from Horningsea Park
Tuition Fee
$45.00/hour (Prep to Year 10)
$50.00/hour (VCE)
24 hour cancellation notice required

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Subjects I can Tutor

Primary English P-6
Secondary English 7-10

About Me

I am highly passionate about English, and I enjoy teaching it to others because I believe its a skill to be learnt. People learn English in different ways and I am happy to cater to that. I believe I can connect with the students on a sympathetic level as I have come out high school recently myself. In addition, my course is teaching and I will be completing a double major in English so I will be taking this job seriously. my extra-curricular activities include singing and playing the guitar/keyboard

Teaching Experience
tutored for more than 1 year
Experienced tutor

I have tutored a number of primary children in maths, English and general ability. I have also tutored junior high school students in year 7 on essay writing and textual analysis providing them with my own resources. In doing so, they became confident in those areas

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Location: Horningsea Park, NSW

Lamisa will travel within 20 km of Horningsea Park

Bachelor of Arts and Education – University of New South Wales

Monday 4:00 PM     –     9:00 PM
Tuesday 4:00 PM     –     9:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM     –     9:00 PM
Thursday 4:00 PM     –     9:00 PM
Friday 4:00 PM     –     9:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM     –     9:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM     –     9:00 PM