Maths Tutors, English Tutors Maths Tutors, English Tutors


Iqra T ayyaba.

Tutor Type Advanced Tutor
Teaching Experience 3 years
Travel radius 10 km from Dandenong
Tuition Fee
$45.00/hour (Prep to Year 10)
$50.00/hour (VCE)
24 hour cancellation notice required

Book Iqra

Subjects I can Tutor

Primary English P-6
Secondary English 7-10
VCE English Units 1&2
VCE English Units 3&4
Secondary Maths 7-10
VCE Maths Methods Units 1&2
VCE General Maths Further Units 1&2
VCE Further Maths Units 3&4
VCE General Maths Advanced Units 1&2
General Maths
Secondary Science 7-10
VCE Chemistry Units 1&2
VCE Chemistry Units 3&4
VCE Physics Units 1&2
VCE Biology Units 1&2
VCE Biology Units 3&4

About Me

Hi I am Iqra! I am currently studying Doctor of Medicine at Monash University. I am a passionate individual who aims to get inspired and be inspired by my students. I believe that any one can reach their full potential if guided in the correct way and I hope to be that person who can inspire my student to achieve their goals. Plus apart from studying we can always talk about food because I love to cook as well as to eat! So do not hesitate to send me message if you need any help with studies.

Teaching Experience
tutored for more than 3 years
Experienced tutor

Year 11 and 12 (Mainstream English, Mathematical Methods, General Mathematics, Further Mathematics)
University (First year chemistry: CHM1011, Molecular biology: BMS1062, BMS1052: Medical Biophysics)

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Subject Selection

Location: Dandenong, VIC

Iqra will travel within 10 km of Dandenong

High School ATAR Score 90.05
Bachelor of Biomedical Science – Monash University
Doctor of Medicine/Bachelor of Medical science – Monash University

Thursday 4:00 PM     –     8:00 PM
Friday 4:00 PM     –     9:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM     –     5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM     –     5:00 PM