Maths Tutors, English Tutors Maths Tutors, English Tutors


Cheryl Zhang

Cheryl Z hang.

Tutor Type Advanced Tutor
Teaching Experience 1 year
Travel radius 20 km from Ashfield
Tuition Fee
$45.00/hour (Prep to Year 10)
$50.00/hour (VCE)
24 hour cancellation notice required

Book Cheryl

Subjects I can Tutor

Primary Maths P-6
Secondary Maths 7-10
HSC Mathematics

About Me

Teaching Experience
tutored for more than 1 year
Experienced tutor

I had tought the son of a friend of my mum when I was in Year10. He was in year4. I taught him Math for about a year but on an inconsistent basis. He was unclear about the concepts he learnt at school at the beginning and was not interested in learning maths. After a year of tutoring, he could follow his teacher in class without encountering major difficulties. He was also able to understanding new concepts more quickly than before. He has improved in his performance in maths exams.
I also tutored one of my friends mathematics during the whole course of preparation for HSC. she said she was able to understand the applications of formulas more thoroughly after tutoring and her marks increased eventually.

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Location: Ashfield, NSW

Cheryl will travel within 20 km of Ashfield

High School ATAR Score 98.80

Monday 9:00 AM     –     12:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM     –     9:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM     –     10:30 PM
Saturday 10:30 AM     –     10:30 PM
Sunday 10:30 AM     –     9:30 PM

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